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Florida Listing Agreement Sample

A listing agreement is a contract between a real estate broker and a property owner, outlining the terms of the broker`s services and the price at which the property will be listed. If you`re in Florida and looking to hire a real estate broker to sell your property, you`ll need to become familiar with the Florida listing agreement sample.

The Florida listing agreement sample is a standard form that outlines the terms and conditions that will govern the relationship between the broker and the property owner. This contract is important because it sets out the expectations of both parties and protects both from potential misunderstandings or disputes.

The listing agreement typically covers several key areas, including the following:

1. Property description: This section should detail the address, legal description, and other relevant information about the property being sold.

2. Listing price: This section should specify the price at which the property will be listed, as well as any other terms related to price, such as commissions.

3. Term: This section should outline the length of the agreement, including any conditions that would cause it to terminate early.

4. Broker`s duties: This section should describe the services that the broker will provide, such as advertising, showing the property, and negotiating with potential buyers.

5. Seller`s duties: This section should outline the responsibilities of the property owner, such as disclosing any defects, maintaining the property in good condition, and allowing the broker to show the property to potential buyers.

6. Termination: This section should describe the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated, including any fees or penalties that may apply.

7. Signatures: Finally, both the broker and the property owner must sign the agreement to make it legally binding.

It`s important to note that the Florida listing agreement sample is just that—a sample. While it provides a good starting point for negotiating the terms of your agreement, you should always review and customize it to meet your specific needs and goals.

In addition, if you`re not familiar with the legal language and concepts contained in the listing agreement, it`s a good idea to consult with an experienced attorney who can explain the terms and help you negotiate a favorable agreement.

Overall, the Florida listing agreement sample is an important document that sets out the terms of your relationship with your real estate broker and protects your interests as a property owner. Take the time to review it carefully and work with your broker and legal counsel to ensure that it meets your needs and goals.

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